Tuesday, December 21, 2021

I guess it feels a lot like christmas

 Stuff comes from stuff.  I think this is my favorite statement from the polytechnic manifesto. I wonder if its almost a concept. It is banal as a statement but more than most slogans its animated when it is applied.  I often hear myself saying it inside my head when something emerges from something else.  I have it spinning around like an ear worm, a catchy Christmas tune when I'm feeling unproductive or blocked.  It is the best piece of advice you can offer an artist who is struggling to come up with an idea to make new work - do something and stuff will come from it.

Writing is different but the same.  In writing we create texts and new texts can emerge from getting stuck in. Yet writing reproduces it makes representation.  Stuff like the event or the object can be expanded as a concept to include just about everything in the world. As a reluctant  materialist I recognize that this is probably all there is.  Stuff then like other words that aspire to represent the singularity of everything become of little use as a category.  It would be simpler to just say 'everything' and if anyone suggests anything else to answer - 'yes that as well.'  The simple use of language requires words and sentences to describe something as opposed to something else whether in difference or in similarity.

The stuff that comes from making something like a work of art or in my case a tree house or pirate ship sediments into the world and becomes a feature an edifice.  The stuff that comes from writing, at least for me always seems more fleeting.  I have just read Fridays blog and although I liked what I wrote and still feel it carries some weight there is a lack of momentum in the idea.  It is stuck rather than fecund.

If this idea had somehow become part of practice then the stuff of it would be bubbling away and creating so much stuff and  so many thoughts and trajectories that I would quickly and gloriously lose my way in it.  There would be no need to think or log where something came from, no need to return to something to make sense of it or wonder what I was doing at the time. All there should be is flow, nothing else is needed, all references are superficial.

writing is not like that, stuff does come from writing. I think it is more writing rather than more stuff.

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