Thursday, May 6, 2021

I am not interested in the mundane

I had a supervision yesterday and it got me thinking.  Kate had come up with a strategy to get me writing but this got deflected.  I think it was a good idea to start to construct a context.  I had had an idea that morning about three trajectories.  

1. the visual artists with a de-materialized process orientated  approach

2. The builder of adventure play equipment.

3.the student doing a PhD at Esri.

I like the play on the three ecologies and how these three things work across different planes of relation and subjectives.  They are interlaced positions that come into and out of focus and disperse.  I thought this was a good idea and if I work along these lines and write these three trajectories perhaps something will emerge.  

I then got a a bit perturbed by Mannings new book and Kate talking about the mundane.  On the way back from town I took the pictures above, I suppose from one perspective you could say that the jack and the beanstalk down pipe or the stack of tyers are mundane and everyday.  The photo draws attention to them but from a practice perspective this is just impossible.  There is nothing mundane in the sets of relations they are spectacular.  We may not be able to always notice how spectacular the world is in all its glorious life but the moments I am drawn two are exceptional. Not mundane and not everyday neither failure or useless.  They are Lacans quilting points, the Hai of the Haiku, Blocks darkness of the lived moment or Duchamps infrathin or Benjemens Punctures.  All attempts to point to what is in excess in desire, to escape the fascism iof the everyday and the mundane.

I then thought about poor Wilhiem Riech and his Orgone and Deleuze and his notion of life.  I then wondered why Riech hadn't had a revival with Whithead.  Then i decided it was time for a few days off and thinking about how to fit a big slide at the playground

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