Monday, June 22, 2020

The Refrain

I have finished the Refrain Plateau this morning.  I worked hard on it but got slightly lost in the middle.  It is very hard to write about as it weaves between music, repetition, painting  and territory.  I am not sure if it is my frame of mind or the slightly masochistic dogma I have imposed on myself but it felt this morning like the words were not really printed on the page in the right order - they felt like someone had eaten a bag of magnetic poetry letters and then puked them onto the pages.

This didn't really put me in a bad mood but it did make me question the usefulness of my  thousand Plateaus challenge.  I literally can't write a single paragraph about what I can take from the idea of the refrain after struggling for about 6 hours with it.   The other problem is when I read the writing of others that is after Deleuze or some of the guides to a thousand Plateaus  I often find myself disagreeing with what they say.  So even after admitting I don't really understand any of it I can still disagree with the people who clearly are seen to understand it pretty well.

I had a fairly good supervision last week , I need to start writing and I think it probably needs to start to be around territory secrets and the opaque.  That is perhaps 3 chapters.  I also feel like I could do with a few days off thinking.  It will be good to finish the book - I have about 100 pages left and then take a breath. It is so strange to spend so much time not feeling you are getting very far, I am waiting for the great leap forward.

My Monday blog writing is hard today its taken until 2 to sit down and wrench some words out, this isn't really like me so I'm going to leave it here and cut the grass and the hedges as they look a mess.

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