Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A bit of a gap

 I am here today as I thought I had left things too long.  I started off with the intention of blogging every Monday morning but things have slipped a little.  We have bought a new house since the last time I was on here and it has taken its toll in stress and lack of sleep.  In many ways I should just of had a proper break as I am ready for one but I have being nibbling at the edges of work and feeling a bit guilty for my lack of production.

The weather is great, I sat in the sun this morning reading Richard Lester's book on everyday play. He brings Deleuze to the world of play and in sweetening the pill it loses some of its bitterness but as with saccharine in language and as an  additive to coffee there  is a worry that its not the real deal and may in some ways be doing you harm. 

This is not fare as the book brings thought to practice and is magnificent in many ways in its effort to bridge an unbridgeable gap between the there and here of a Thousand Plateaus.  I have forgotten most of my summer reading it yet I still fill the irresistible pull of there alternative to what is presented to us as an ordered universe.  

I wrote about collage in felt tip pen on brown paper on the floor of a school in Venice a lifetime ago.  Kate Genever says that collage is democratic and the best place to start if you feel stuck because you are not working from nothing.   I am Bricoler I have a savage mind, I have created a vast collage of life, of thoughts and things and I have no intention to read order into the chaos.  I think its time for a week off and an Easter off.  After this I may rise from the dead of my previous life and dance again with Alfred North Whiteheads Angels.  For now I want to feel an individual again for a little while and pull myself back to the mythical human center to start the collage of the rest of life.

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