Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Covad 19

At least two weeks since I last posted and really no excuse other than the end of the world.  I'm not sure what to say really other than we are locked down and in the house for at least 3 weeks.  I had managed to avoid thinking about it for a week as I kept busy at the playground doing odd jobs and fixing stuff with Peter and chatting to Patrick.

On Thursday I got told my field work could not continue if its face to face.  All this made me think was how strange it was that my voluntary work only became research when I sat and wrote field notes about it - this was the only thing that made it research, the turning it into text.   But now its all finished put on hold for probably longer than we all think.

We are all moving apart and coming together. We- that is my generation have never known anything like this so we can't be of that much help.

I am, if I'm honest finding it hard to focus and feeling frustrated I can't seem to get more done - its like a missed opportunity to knuckle down - but we feel how we feel and we think how we think.

I am setting myself a task to

1. Read Karen Barad meeting the universe half way - to brush up on my new materialism and I find her easy to read. I like the fact I have a set of notes on books it reminds me I have actually read them.

2. I am writing and thinking with Kate - this feels like a nice connection we are helping each other have a professional life - I am trying to get her to read what is philosophy - she won't though.

3. I am going to have a practical day tomorrow i have a list of practical jobs to do.  I started the week saying i would do two days on my PhD study - I have done this but the achievements are small - I hope they are incremental.

4. Note to self - don't beat myself up its strange and stressful and the main thing is to look after everyone.

This post feels like the video recording that the captain of the star ship leaves and is found on the empty ship by the group of new arrivals that have know idea what happened to the crew.Then the aliens come.

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