Thursday, January 16, 2020


I have passed my RD2 progression and I am still not past it.  I have lots going on and I have recognised that to an extent the RD2 process had made me withdraw from things.  I have three ideas and they are quite short.

1.  Art helps us keep on the edge of chaos it helps us to stay on the edge of anything that makes sense.

2.  This keeping on the edge of chaos is maintained by a consistency of practice - what I have started calling the secret plan.  It is a plan that is secret from everyone it is in the background like the space behind your head - you have an idea it is there but are not sure what it is.

3. I get sad when I can't get my life to fit the secret plan of practice my plan is very flexible but it is not shatterproof.

Aspects of doing a PhD can't bend to fit my secret plan and this has messed with my melon and left me feeling a bit lopsided.  I am waiting for the feeling to lift as I'm not sure what I need to do to make it go away.  Underlying the last few days has being a minor guilt that I'm not doing any work.  I have been really busy and read and thought a lot and had meetings.  I have started to think about writing my literature review about loose parts play and their affordance.  I have read quite a bit and its been useful.  My problem is that I'm been drawn into play theory when I think I want to work with art theory.  Perhaps it is these two phases or modes of assemblage that I need to weave together in the literature review through aesthetics.  This was what was in my first RD2 before  had my wings clipped perhaps I need to get a little bit of this out of my system as it did fit my secret plan.  I know it wasn't a PhD though so perhaps I should do something else. 

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